
Restaurant VIE

Bespoke Wordpress Development, GSAP Animations, Website Development

Restaurant VIE

Restaurant VIE

Behind Restaurant VIE are four good friends with a dream of creating a place for residents and visitors to enjoy quality food and wine. The result, a modern city inn located in a beautiful, high-ceilinged room in Denmark’s Nordhavn’s central square.

The clients request was to create a single page site with warm colours, strong typography and elegant animations. This resulted in a clean, responsive website with a strong online presence and structured information that is easy to access.

Designs supplied by The Plant.

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vie ipad 400
vie iphone 400


If you have a project you would like to discuss, a general enquiry or would just like to have a chat please book an introductory call or contact me using the details below.

Telephone: +44(0)7979 427 527


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