

Bespoke Wordpress Development, Website Development



Magee was founded in 1989 by Daragh and David Magee. Daragh’s years of experience in client liaison and design management underpin their ability to deliver compelling ideas led stakeholder communications.

With an increasing portfolio of work, the aim of the new site was to effectively showcase their projects in a bold, professional and creative tone. The new site is an ambitious update, concentrating on a simplified user journey, with a strong focus on a refined and timeless aesthetic that resonates with Magee’s audience.

Designs supplied by Magee.

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“I began working with Laura on rebuilding and revitalising our existing company website. I created a series of visuals and Laura took those to build our new website. I am absolutely delighted with outcome and her approach to the whole website build. Her attention to detail, working methods and processes made it a real pleasure to work with her. She is someone I would definitely recommend.”


If you have a project you would like to discuss, a general enquiry or would just like to have a chat please book an introductory call or contact me using the details below.

Telephone: +44(0)7979 427 527


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